Select “USERS” in the menu;

  • Overview of registered users in your subscription.
  • Information on the total number of user licenses purchased and overview how many licenses are currently in use.
  • Review the information per registered user on the card;
    • Phone number
    • Email
    • Nick name = name used in the app for this user
    • Setting-profile for this user
    • User status in the subscription (active or pending)
    • Membership status (active – invitation pending)

The ADMIN can create new users (or edit or delete users). Each user can have different roles (rights); ADMIN, MEMBER or READONLY.

Select “USERS” in the menu and choose;
+ add e-mail user (this will create new user that use their E-MAIL ADDRESS as username)
+ add phone-number user (this will create new user that use their MOBILE PHONE NUMBER as username)

After you made you selection you can fill-in all boxes in the screen that opens.

  • “NICK NAME” = name PERSAFE app users will see displayed on the user icon of this user (often their first name or department function name if the phone is shared amongst colleges).
  • “REFERENCE NUMBER” is optional for your company usage (reporting)
    If you have chosen to create new users who will use their “E-MAIL ADDRESS to log-in you need to fill in the e-mail address plus the “MOBILE PHONE” number.
  • The ADMIN always needs to set the “PASSWORD” if the new user will use their phone number to log-in. If the ADMIN creates a new user who will log-in with their e-mail than the ADMIN can chose to set the password by the ADMIN or by the user (via an invitation email) himself. Use the option in the right bottom corner to confirm your choice.
  • It is technically possible to use the same “PASSWORD” for more than one user. The password must contain minimum 8 characters including one Capital letter, one Small letter, one Number and one Special character.
  • Select “PRODUCT” and open the fold-out menu (click arrow icon on the right). The options to choose from are linked to the subscription your company purchased (licenses with specific functionalities).
  • Select “GROUPS” and open the fold-out menu (click on arrow icon on the right). The options show all groups which have already been created in your account. If no groups have been created, you can leave this box empty. If groups have been created, you can choose which groups are linked to this user. More than one group can be linked to a user (simply select more than one group).
  • Select SETTINGS PROFILE and open fold-out menu (click on arrow icon on the right) and chose which settings profile you want to apply for this user.
  • Define the ROLE (rights) for this user;
    • ADMIN > all rights in this subscription (including creating and editing users, alarm circles, groups and settings for all users)
    • MEMBER > this user can edit his own settings and create & edit alarm circles
    • READONLY > this user has no rights to edit settings or alarm circles.

Click on “CREATE” to add this user to your subscription.