The alarm centre portal is available to users who want to receive and manage alarm notifications in a central location and have the possibility to support responders when providing help.

The alarm notifications are displayed in a web browser with following information;

Alarm initiator
⦁ Name
⦁ Timestamp when alarm is triggered
⦁ GPS location (on Google map and in text (city, street)
⦁ Phone number
⦁ Active audio profile
⦁ Battery level
⦁ Optional user information on contact persons and medical information

⦁ Who received alarm notification
⦁ Who is available and who is absent
⦁ Distance in meters to alarm initiator
⦁ GPS location on Google map
⦁ Who have accepted the alarm (active responders)

Operator of alarm centre can operate following functions;
⦁ Monitor the handling of the emergency situation on a “event by event” basis (live updates who accepted alarm and actual location positions of initiator and responders)
⦁ Set up direct telecom connection to the phone of the alarm initiator (handsfree speaker)
⦁ List of phone number of responders and other contact details of alarm initiator
⦁ Can remotely end alarm situation

When alarm is closed the alarm information is no longer available for privacy reasons.

We recommend to use CHROME web browser. Go to my.persafe portal and select “ALARM CENTRE”. If your computer has speaker function you can set alert volume when new alarm notification arrives. Select the microphone you want to use for direct telecom connection.