PERSAFE offers 3 predefined setting-profiles ADMIN – MEMBER and READONLY. A setting-profile defines which buttons in the app a user can operate and the default settings for these (e.g. share location setting, change audio notification for incoming and sending alarms, etc.)

You only have access to the account setting-profiles function in the portal if you have ADMIN role. Select “ACCOUNT” and “SETTINGS”. In the top of the screen you can switch between the 3 predefined setting-profiles and make changes if required or add additional setting-profiles by clicking “add new settings profile”. Use unique names per setting-profile and do not forget to UPDATE setting-profile at the bottom of the page.

Per setting-profile following settings can be changed;

⦁ App ON/OFF = User can operate ON/OFF button in the app menu
⦁ SMS backup ON/OFF= In the event the phone cannot send emergency alert because of bad/no data connection the phone will send SMS-alarm message after 40 seconds. Only applicable for Android phones.
⦁ Operate pre-alarm timer = When triggering a manual alarm (red-slider in the app or alarm button) a pre-alarm timer can be activated to allow cancelling before responders have received emergency alert (false alarm). This setting defines if the user can change the pre-alarm timer and the number of seconds for the timer.
⦁ Linkguard frequency = When a user is on the move the phone and the alarm-server connect frequently to validate functionality of the system. We offer 2 settings; “ENERGY SAVER” (default setting) and “PROFESSIONAL” (which connects more often and therefore consumes more energy). This setting defines active linkguard frequency and if the user can change the setting.
⦁ ALARM CENTRE functionality = does this user have access to alarm centre function in the my.persafe portal.

⦁ Audio profile for receiving emergency alerts. Options; silent, vibrate, normal and loud (only Android). This setting defines if the user can change the audio profile
⦁ Audio profile for sending (broadcasting) emergency alerts. Options; silent, vibrate, normal and loud (only Android). This setting defines if the user can change the audio profile
⦁ PLACES notification = ON/OFF audio notification when PLACES update is received.
⦁ Battery low notification = ON/OFF audio notification when battery low update is received.

If and how a user shares his actual location with other PERSAFE users is defined in the PERMISSION section of the my.persafe portal. There are 3 options;
⦁ User always shares his actual location with this PERSAFE user (also outside of alarm situations)
⦁ User only shares his actual location with other PERSAFE responders during emergency situation in alarm circle for which user is registered responder
⦁ User only shares his actual location when user is in an emergency situation himself (user is alarm initiator)

If a user always shares his location (a) or shares his location when he is a responder (b) he can temporarily overrule this with the LOCATION ON/OFF button in the app menu. The setting-profile can define if user can operate this button.
⦁ Menu button LOCATION ON/OFF = User can/cannot operate this button (enabled or disabled). If button is disabled, the setting profile will define the default setting;
⦁ Share location
⦁ Hide location

⦁ Fall detection function = user can operate fall detection button (between red and blue slider) in the app (fall detection ON/OFF). If button is disabled and switched ON the settings of the setting-profile are applied.
⦁ Fall detection modus = only applicable if sensors in the phone are used to determine falls (setting is not applicable for Badge). SPORT MODUS is optimized to detect falls during sport activities (biking, running, cycling). Default setting is NON-SPORT MODUS
⦁ Pre-alarm fall detection timer = If fall detection alarm is triggered (with sensors in the phone or by the Badge) a pre-alarm timer can be activated to allow cancelling before responders have received emergency alert (false alarm). This setting defines if the user can change the pre-alarm timer and the number of seconds for the timer.
⦁ Badge non-movement time period incl. if user can change this setting
⦁ Badge non-movement sensitivity incl. if user can change this setting.
⦁ Badge angle detection incl. if user can change this setting.
⦁ Badge double tap = user can operate double tap button in app menu (ON/OFF). If button is disabled and switched ON the settings of the setting-profile are applied.
⦁ Badge double tap sensitivity incl. if user can change this setting.